Thursday 5 November 2009

The Secret - Part 3

Many people watch the bestselling film The Secret and it is an amazing film.  They start using the ideas in their own life.  They get very excited about what they are going to attract and... NOTHING!

Ooops, It must be a lie. 
It doesn't work.
This law of attraction stuff is a load of rubbish

I've heard all of the above statements and many more.

Well the law of attraction does work. 

And you can create the things you want in your life.

However almost all of us have lots of negative beliefs.  In order for the law of attraction (universe) to give you what you want you have to get rid of those negative beliefs.

You have to believe that what you want is on its way and trust the universe.

If you imagine a pathway and the thing you want is at one end of the pathway and you are at the other,  every negative belief or emotion you have is blocking the path to you. 

So let's say you're trying to attract a brand new sports car.  Wow, how exciting is that?

You enjoy the feeling of pretending you already have it and you are very clear about what sort of car you want but in the back of your mind is doubt.

I'll never get a car like that.
Yeah right, where will I ever get the money from to have a car like that.
If I was driving a car like that my friends would all be trying to get money out of me.
Guys like me don't get cars like that.

Wow!  This guys got some serious blocks. 

So what can he do to get rid of them.

He could use several techniques, such as EFT, hypnosis, visualizations, affirmations etc

You basically need to reprogram you mind in order to remove negative blocks and emotions.

It might sound hard work but it's actually not that hard to do.

The other thing to know is that we don't need to know HOW.

If you're anything like me you don't know exactly how a car works but it does.

It's the same for the law of attraction (universe) we really don't need to know how the universe will get what we want to us we just need to believe it will.

So to sum it all up we need to follow the three essential steps

1- ASK

That's your 3 steps to law of attraction success.

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