Monday 9 November 2009

Book Review - Power v's Force

"Perhaps the most important and significant

book I've read in the past ten years."

-Dr Wayne W. Dyer,

author of 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

I was told about this book whilst training with The Law of Attraction Training Center. Now I have to admit when I first started reading this book I found it really hard work. I had to read and re-read several sentences before they made sense. As I got into the book I couldn't wait to read more and more. I can honestly tell you I have found this book amazing. I have wow moments on nearly every page.

Dr. David R. Hawkins is a renowned lecturer and expert on mental processes.

In this book he explains the difference between power and force. He explains and gives many examples of why Force only works in the short term and power is the way to great success. He talks about the levels of human consciousness and how this affects politics, the marketplace, sports, arts, health and more.

In the book we also learn how to use Kinesiology testing (muscle testing).

I personally talk a lot about raising our vibrations. This is the 2nd essential step to effectively using the law of attraction. When we raise our vibrations to over 200 we are in a positive state able to create what we want. Emotions at 200 are Courage, affirmation, empowerment.

Levels of Human Consciousness

30 - Guilt

50 - Apathy

75 - Grief

100 - Fear

125 - Desire

150 - Anger

175 - Pride

200 - Courage

250 - Neutrality

310 - Willingness

350 - Acceptance

400 - Reason

500 - Love

540 - Joy

600 - Peace

700 - 1,000 Enlightment

At the 200 level, power first appears.

This is a truly fascinating book and I highly recommend it to anyone interesting in learning the muscle testing techniques and how the energy levels affect our lives.

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