Monday 7 December 2009

Get Your Ideal Christmas - Part 1

This week I'm going to be concentrating on Christmas.  Specifically how to have a great Christmas.
Remember that we receive whatever we put our focus on (positive or negative).

So it's important to focus on what you do want.

Christmas is different for everyone and what you want may be very different to what I want.

So today I want you to get really clear about what you do want.

A really good way to do this is to write down everything you don't want and then ask yourself
"So what do I want?"
Then write what you do want on a sheet of paper. 

Read it through and if anything doesn't feel quite right change your list until it does feel right to you.

Now go through every single statement on your list and really focus on it. 

Perhaps you wrote down "I do want my family to enjoy the Christmas dinner I cook for them."

You need to focus on this statement.

How would you feel ?  (Happy and warm inside knowing everyone was enjoying eating the food I made)

What would you hear? (This tastes wonderful, thank you for spending so much time cooking for us, it's delicious)

What would you smell? (Delicious aromas fill the air of cooked turkey and delicious roast vegetable cooked to perfection)

What would you taste?  (Mouthwateringly delicious christmas pudding, Umm Yummy!)

What would you see? (Everyone happy and enjoying the food I cook)

I'm sure you get the idea.  Do the same for every single thing on your list and add as much emotion as possible.

The more detail you add the better.

That's enoght for today.

Happy Christmas Creating

Wendy x


  1. Christmas is such a special time but not always enjoyed for various reasons. This is my Christmas gift to you all x

  2. I love the idea of writing down then focus ...grt post thanks for sharing Merry Xmas...:)

  3. Merry Christmas to you too. Thank you for the messages. I love hearing from you.
