Monday 18 January 2010

Number 1 Priority - FEEL GOOD

I know I'm going over old ground here but I really want to make sure you've got the message.  You need to be making your number 1 priority feeling good.  In fact feeling great.

Look around you. What can you see right now to be grateful for?
Who are you grateful for in your life?
Appreciate the beautiful world around you.  YES, when you open your eyes you'll see it really is a beautiful world we live in.  And do you know what?  When we look, the world is full of really beautiful people.  Oh, I'm not talking about the supermodel type of beauty. I'm talking about real beauty.  A mother caring for her child, a husband smiling at the wife he adores, the grandmother watching her grandchildren through eyes of wisdom, the elderly man who works in his garden, the ducks swimming on the pond, the flowers gently blowing in the breeze, the birds singing... the list is endless, all you need to do is open your eyes and look.

In the hit movie the secret Jack Canfield says "If it doesn't make you happy, don't do it."  or something very similar to that.  Anyway he's a smart guy and I try hard to follow this advice every day.

If you have things in your life you have to do but don't really enjoy doing, find a way to make them fun.  I hate hoovering.  It's just something I hate doing.  Now with a great big black dog and a messy child I need to hoover.  So I get the dreaded hoover out and I say "Hey big bad hoover.  Who's going to shout loudest today."  And as the hoover (it's pretty old) roars away I shout out, or sing (there's not a lot of difference for me) my affirmations.  I dance around as much as is humanly possible with the hoover and I HAVE FUN!
My neighbours think I'm the crazy lady but I HAVE FUN.

When we feel good, when we feel great, when we have FUN the Universe will give us more and more to feel good/great about.

Decide today to make feeling good your number one priority.

Here's a picture of my son Jack.  Everyday I am thankful for him and the person he is.
He makes me very happy.  Here he is making chocolate cakes, which makes us both happy.

Have a great day.

Have a fun day.


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