Tuesday 19 January 2010

Money, Money, Money

As a child I was constantly told "Money doesn't grow on tree's you know!"

As an adult I can't tell you how many times I've heard "You need to work hard to get anywhere in life."

Well as far as I am aware Money does not grow on trees. However I have no proof that you have to work hard to get anywhere in life or indeed that working hard ensures you do indeed make very much money at all.

In fact if you look for proof, there are hundreds of people in every village around the world who work extremely hard to just get by.

We've all been given messages about money throughout our lives but are those messages actually true. In Richard Carlson's book "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff About Money" he tells us to work on "knowing" instead of "believing".

If you've been told you need to work 9-5 in a job you hate for the rest of your working life so that when you retire you'll be able to afford to live. Go and do some research. Do you KNOW this is true? Do you even believe this is true?

My advice is to make sure your living today.

If like most people you feel you have limiting beliefs regarding money. Or you simply want more.

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff About Money is a brilliant book to read.

It's the type of book you can pick up and read a couple of pages at a time.