Wednesday 16 June 2010

Do you have the amount of money you want?

When I ask people what they want, I often hear more money, to win the lottery, to be out of debt etc.
Sometimes they want to travel the world or go on an exotic holiday or start a business.  When I ask what's stopping them they say "I don't have enough money!"

Do you know that we all carry limiting beliefs, some more than others.  And what's most interesting is most of us have major limiting beliefs surrounding money.  For a long time I convinced myself that I had released my limiting beliefs.  I love money, I appreciate the things it gives me and pleasures it brings, I feel worthy of large amounts of money, I believe money is good etc.  Although I was manifesting a resonable amount of money into my life it was still limited.  Then I got a wake-up call.  I was introduced to MONEY BEYOND BELIEF by Joe Vitale and Brad Yates.  I realised I was still carrying around quite a few limiting beliefs regarding money, the biggest of which was this belief - Rich families are not happy.  Wow, conscidering one of my core values is to have a happy family this turned out to be a whopper of a limiting belief. 

I began using the Money Beyond Belief program which uses EFT (tapping, emotional freedom techniques) and immediately saw a difference.  Money just started flowing into my life so easily.  It was like the flood gates had been opened. 

I'm going to ask the question again. 

Do you have the amount of money you want?

If the answer is yes congratulations.
If the answer is no, not really, not yet... pleae do yourself a favour and at least read what MONEY BEYOND BELIEF has to offer.

For more information and to buy CLICH HERE NOW!

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