Monday 25 April 2011

7 Subliminal Audio Facts

Subliminal messaging can be a controversial subject. Everyone has different claims as to how it works, or how it doesn't, even how it can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Here is the real truth about subliminal messaging - here are seven subliminal messaging truths that you probably won't read on other sites:

  • Subliminals have been used by some big media personalities (no not just Anthony Robbins), such as Tiger Woods and even Stephen Speilberg - both of these have reported that subliminal messaging helped them to stay focused , and achieve their dreams.
  • Reading some websites you might be led to believe it is illegal. This is innaccurate, it is not illegal, the only instance it is banned within is for use within advertising as here the intention would be to manipulate. It is completely legal to use for personal reasons - such as learning or improving confidence for example.
  • Major manufacturers such as Coca Cola, & McDonald's were accused of using subliminal messages inside their marketing and advertising. Coca cola for making use of subliminal imagery of naked ladies within their branding, and McDonald's for showing an advertisement for just one frame on the "Food Network" Television station as well as various other accusations).
  • Previous president has been accused of using subliminal suggestions in his `campaign speeches, and in many cases using subliminal manipulation within election campaign videos. Every single one of these accusations were ignored.
  • The early resarch into subliminal learning led to the development of the "tachistoscope". This is a military tool used to teach troops to recognize enemy planes, and also to help the progression of speed reading abilities. It performs by showing photos of sentences for for a tenth of a second.
  • If you believed everything you saw on television shows or in movies you might think that you will achieve an instant / overnight result with subliminal audio. Unfortunately it's not true.
  • Subliminal learning is coming into the mainstream by top self help gurus offering subliminals, as well as hypnotherapists such as Paul McKenna offering subliminal audio additions to their hypnosis recordings.
If you want to test subliminal messages for yourself then you don't need high-priced albums from hypnotherapists. It is a quite simple way of self development. You can can get started for FREE: Download 3 powerful subliminal audio albums for free here Whatever your goal is subliminal messaging can help you - from subliminal motivation to success, and this is merely the beginning - it is possible to achieve an advantage in almost any area with the help of subliminal messages!

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