Tuesday 2 February 2010

Heal The World

This morning after dropping Jack off at school I was listening to the radio in my car when Heal the World by Michael Jackson came on.  Now I have to admit I have never been a huge Michael Jackson fan but this particular song always hits home with me. 

Heal The World
Make It a Better Place
For You and For Me
And The Entire Human Race.

What words could be better?   Isn't this what we all want?

I then started thinking about some of the things I have recently seen on the News.  Imagine if we all held the intention every single time we watched the News to HEAL THE WORLD, MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE FOR ME AND FOR YOU AND THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE.

We are constantly bombarded with BAD NEWS.  We are told our world if full of weirdo's wanting to attack us or our children, disasters are getting more and more frequent and the whole world seems to be fighting.  What do we have to be happy about?

Plenty, it's just often not newswothy in the eyes of those who produce these news shows.

I try not to watch the news very often but my husband likes to.  So when the news is on and I see something I don't like I say "This is not my truth" - To let the universe know this particular scenario is not for me.
I also ask to see the things I want. 
For example, when the Eathquale struck Haiti, I asked to see smiling children and people being rescued.  I wanted to hear stories of survival and there were many.  I ask you too, to focus on the good that can come out of a situation.  This does not mean I do not acknowledge what has happened and that many many people lost their lives, it simply means we can't change that and focusing on that will in no way help.  Focusing on survivors and aid getting through with ease is powerful. 

So I repeat from now on Every time you watch the news hold the intention to heal the world, make it a better place.   Fill your heart with love and let it overflow into everything you do.

Happy living.

Wendy x


  1. Hi Sunshine, I came across your post title on blogcatalog. You have an interesting blog here. As the news on Haiti makes no point in dimming out, what you say rings true.. on how we should make the best of each day. I've always been a Michael Jackson fan and his song "Heal the World" holds many truths in how the rest of us on this planet should be doing our part to be responsible. Thanks for the sharing and sorry for my blabbering :) Have a nice day!

  2. I am so with you on this Wendy - I often think that after the news they should air a program that just tells us all the feel-good stories! I am a news-junkie like your hubby - BUT there is a definate gap for focusing on all the positive. Great post - Just love your blog :)

  3. Thank you so much for your comments. If we did away with the news and instead asked everyone to hold the thought of peace in the world for ust 1 minute a day, imagine how the world would change.

    Next time you watch the news follow it up with a minute of visualizing Peace in the world.

    Love and happiness

    Wendy xx
