Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Learn Parenting with the Law of Attraction for FREE! & Great Discount on Law of Attraction EBook

Get my Law of Attraction eBook ~ Getting Started With The Law Of Attraction with 75% discount.

That means you get my complete guide to using the law of attraction for 2.95€. What else can you buy for this amount that can change your life. I bet a starbucks coffee costs more than this.

So if you're ready to make those positive changes for a ridiculously low price go right now to Buy My Book
Please remember to leave your feedback.

THIS OFFER ENDS ON Sunday 19th June.

Sign up now for my free parenting with the law of attraction trial program. ONLY 20 people being accepted.

I have been asked to put together a program to help parents understand how to use the law of attraction and how to share it with their children.

I am going to be running a trial of this program (it will all be done by email sessions). I am offering it completely free of charge for the first 20 people who sign up for the program. You will then form my trial group to work through this program and help me iron out any areas that need more attention, etc.

You will also have access to my Private Focus Group so that you can share your experiences with other people who are also following the program.

There are (approx) 21 sessions. Whilst there is no strict time scale to complete each session I would like anyone signing up for the trial to be fully committed and able to set aside some time every day or so to work on the sessions. Most sessions only take a few minutes to read through and most can be done as ongoing projects. Sometimes all you need to do is take note of your thoughts, etc.

Sign up now at http://www.loaliving.com/

Happy Living as Always

Wendy x

"I absolutely love this book.  I think I've read it 6 times now.  Some of the stories more.  These are real life stories of success using the law of attraction."

Friday, 3 June 2011

A Great Way to Start the Day

I'm a huge fan of EFT and I use it daily in my own life.  Brad Yates has a massive selection of EFT videos available on You Tube for free.  One particular tapping session I love to start my day with is his Tap O' the morning session.  It's a fantastic way to start you day off.  You can follow it with my Power Thoughts To Start Your Day for an even bigger boost. 

Have an AMAZING DAY.  You so deserve it.

Happy Living


P.S. Be sure to drop by at http://www.loaliving.com/ today to check out MY CELEBRATION OFFERS which will be running all the way through June.  Why am I celebrating?  June 21st is my birthday and I intend to celebrate the whole month.