There are always going to be times in your life when you have to do things you don’t like. It could be dealing with a client you don't like, going to work on Mondays, taking the rubbish out, driving through town during rush hour, going to the dentist... Doing these things just drains your motivation and can lead to you feeling sad, tired, sorry or annoyed. But did you know that there are also things inside you that actually make it difficult to feel excited and enthusiastic? Get to learn the factors that make it hard to get motivated:
Get in the Right Mindset
If you’re in the wrong mindset/frame of mind it will be almost impossible to get motivated. This is because the wrong mindset is extremely limiting.
If, for example, you believe that Monday mornings are the absolute worst part of your week and you hate going to work, you'll fail to see that there are great opportunities available to you and Monday mornings can present an opportunity for great success.
If you refuse to believe that you can actually write for a famous magazine because you're a person from a small town, you'll miss out on an opportunity to expose your talent and reap its rewards.
If you believe that you’re not smart enough to set up your own business and be successful, you’ll never be successful even if you do take a chance and set up in business.
So get yourself into a positive mindset. Develop a can do attitude. Many people go through life telling themselves they can do one thing or another mostly with absolutely no proof that it is true. What proof do you have for not living your dreams?
Is Your Comfort Zone Holding You Back?
We all have certain limitations in our minds. These limits are things we decide on based on our own personal beliefs, ethics and standards. Within these limits, we feel comfortable and can pretty much do as we like.
Once we approach the outer edges, we begin to feel discomfort, shyness, embarrassment, fear or annoyance. We do not wish to go further because we do not like what we don't know or haven't experienced. Because we have a fear of the unknown, we'd rather stay within our comfort zones because we feel safe there.
The problem here is that a narrow comfort zone can be a major factor that makes you hard to motivate. Each time you are presented with a new idea or experience, you check to see if it fits into your comfort zone. If it doesn’t, then you simply refuse, no questions asked. This is unfortunate because many of these ideas and experiences can be good for you. But you'll probably never know because you don't have the motivation to try them.
Step out of your comfort zone and a whole new world opens up to you.
Your Past Experience
Did you get burned by the oven when you were a child? That's probably why you hate to cook. Did your former bosses fail to show appreciation for your hard work? That's probably one reason why you don't feel motivated about your job.
Your background – personal, social and professional experiences – has a lot to do with how you decide things in your life. They can also be factors that make you hard to motivate. If these experiences are negative, they tend to make you more hesitant and unsure of yourself because they affect your self-esteem and confidence.
If, for example, you've only been met with rejection or ridicule in your life, it wouldn't be hard to imagine if you don't feel a strong need to excel or to improve yourself. You'll probably be thinking – 'So what? Nothing I ever did was good anyway. Why would things change now?'
Identify these past experiences and then refuse to let them rule your life. Write them down on a piece of paper, if you feel that a particular person is to blame write them a letter (you don’t need to send it) and tell them exactly how they made you feel, now take a big black pen and put a big X through everything you have written. That part of your life is over. Make a decision today to let go of the past and allow yourself the freedom to move on and move towards the life you desire.
Each and everyone of us has the power within us to achieve great things. Are you willing to grab your dreams and start living NOW!
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