As promised I am going to talk you through each of my recommended steps to achieving ALL of your goals in 2011.
Let's get started.
Step1 is Focus on what you want. So many people go through life focusing on what the don't like, don't want, all that is wrong with the world, all that is wrong with themselves...
This is destructive thinking and we need to quickly make a shift to positive thinking.

Positive thoughts, feelings and behaviours create POSITIVE VIBES.
However, most people I meet have actually spent very little time giving any thought at all to what it is they really want.
Sometimes I hear "I just want to be happy".
Well here's the secret. You can be happy right now.
Everyone has the power to be happy but most people go through life thinking
I'll be happy when I'm rich, I'll be happy when I'm slim, I'll be happy when someone loves me...
CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY NOW. Wherever you're at, whatever your situation CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY NOW!
If this seems to much of a struggle drop me a line and we'll work on it together
Okay so let's spend some time really thinking about what you want.
First think about what is really important to you.
Is it family, money, success, holidays, friends...
Write down what's important to you.
With this in mind now decide what you want.
- To own my own home.
- To own my own business
- To achieve a promotion within my company
- To find my perfect partner
- To have lots of friends
- To travel
- To have 200,000.00 Euros (dollars, pounds, etc) in my bank account.
Everydody has different desires.
Once you have decided what it is you really want focus on this thing/these things.
These are your INTENTIONS FOR 2011.
Write them down
Some people like to add a date at this stage. Personally I like to ALLOW the Universe to sort it out at the best possible time for me.
If you're having trouble working out what you want try this trick that I learned from Michael Losier during my training at The Law Of Attraction Training Center.
Start with what you don't want/don't like
for example: I don't like my job.
Now ask yourself "So, if I don't like my job, what do I want?"
Do you want a promotion? A new job with more money? A new job which is more interesting? To start your own business?
Keep your intentions fresh in your mind constantly. If you catch negative thoughts creeping in, swap them for thoughts of your intentions and how great it will be when your intentions are real.
Tip: Imagine that you've already achieved your goal. How do you feel? What can you see, smell, hear, etc?
Well that's all for this step.
As always you are welcome to contact me with any questions, challenges, success stories.
You can contact me on